Gladius Coin Emitter Contract

This contract emits Gladius Coins at a rate of v for each unit of EURC received. It functions similarly to the WETH Wrapped Contract.


/// Initializes the Gladius Coin smart contract with provided parameters.
    /// This function sets up the Gladius Coin smart contract by initializing its metadata, including
    /// name, symbol, and decimal places. It also sets the administrator, pegged token address, and
    /// the ratio. If the contract has already been initialized, it returns an error indicating that
    /// initialization has already occurred.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `e` - The environment instance providing access to the blockchain state.
    /// * `admin` - The address of the administrator to be set.
    /// * `pegged` - The address of the pegged token.
    /// * `ratio` - The ratio of conversion between Gladius Coin and the pegged token.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns `Ok(())` if the initialization is successful, otherwise returns an error of type
    /// `GladiusCoinEmitterError`.
    fn initialize(e: Env,
        admin: Address, 
        pegged: Address,
        ratio: u32) -> Result<(), GladiusCoinEmitterError>;

    /// Wraps and mints Gladius Coins for the specified recipient.
    /// This function wraps a specified amount of the pegged token into Gladius Coins and mints them
    /// for the designated recipient. It first checks if the contract has been initialized and ensures
    /// that the wrap amount is non-negative. It then transfers the specified amount of the pegged
    /// token from the minter to the contract, locking it. After that, it calculates the amount of Gladius
    /// Coins to mint based on the wrapping ratio and mints them for the recipient. Finally, it emits
    /// a `wrap` event to notify listeners about the wrapping and minting operation.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `e` - The environment instance providing access to the blockchain state.
    /// * `to` - The address of the recipient to whom the minted Gladius Coins will be sent.
    /// * `wrap_amount` - The amount of the pegged token to wrap and mint into Gladius Coins.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns `Ok(())` if the wrapping and minting operation is successful, otherwise returns an
    /// error of type `GladiusCoinEmitterError`.
    fn wrap_and_mint(
        e: Env, 
        to: Address, 
        amount: i128) -> Result<(), GladiusCoinEmitterError>;

    /// Unwraps and burns Gladius Coins, converting them back to the pegged token.
    /// This function unwraps a specified amount of Gladius Coins, converting them back to the
    /// pegged token, and burns them. It first checks if the contract has been initialized and ensures
    /// that the unwrap amount is non-negative. It then verifies the caller's authentication and sends
    /// back the unwrapped amount of the pegged token to the caller. After that, it calculates the
    /// amount of Gladius Coins to burn based on the wrapping ratio and burns them. Finally, it emits
    /// an `unwrap` event to notify listeners about the unwrapping and burning operation.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `e` - The environment instance providing access to the blockchain state.
    /// * `from` - The address of the sender who wants to unwrap and burn Gladius Coins.
    /// * `unwrap_amount` - The amount of Gladius Coins to unwrap and burn.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns `Ok(())` if the unwrapping and burning operation is successful, otherwise returns an
    /// error of type `GladiusCoinEmitterError`.
    fn unwrap_and_burn(
        e: Env, 
        from: Address, 
        amount: i128) -> Result<(), GladiusCoinEmitterError>;

    /// Retrieves the current wrapping ratio of Gladius Coins to the pegged token.
    /// This function reads and returns the current wrapping ratio of Gladius Coins to the pegged token.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `e` - The environment instance providing access to the blockchain state.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns the current wrapping ratio as a `u32`.
    fn ratio(e: Env)  -> u32;

    /// Retrieves the address of the pegged token.
    /// This function reads and returns the address of the pegged token.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `e` - The environment instance providing access to the blockchain state.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns the address of the pegged token as an `Address`.
    fn pegged(e: Env)  -> Address;

    /// Retrieves the address of the minter (administrator) of Gladius Coins.
    /// This function reads and returns the address of the minter (administrator) of Gladius Coins.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `e` - The environment instance providing access to the blockchain state.
    /// # Returns
    /// Returns the address of the minter (administrator) as an `Address`.
    fn minter(e: Env)  -> Address;

This contract also behaves as the Gladius Coin token contract.

Last updated